No.4 Cast Iron Pot – 9.8lt


The Potjie Pot
Dating back to the 1500?s, ?poi-key? (pot) and ?poi-key-cos? (pot food) has been a traditional way of cooking.
Since the Iron-age, the cast iron potjie was not only used for cooking, but also shrouded in mystery because witches and druids favored these pots for their rituals and ceremonies. Ideally designed for cooking over an open fire, the round belly three-legged pot was created during this age.
In the mid 1600?s the early explorers, who used these pots exclusively on their expeditions, brought the tradition and style of the potjie pot to Africa. Tribal Africans, after seeing the practicality of the cast iron pot, were quick to trade animals, hides and other commodities, to replace clay pots that were usually used for cooking.
Potjies have retained most of their original form, because of the practical age-old features. Today, the potjie pots are used extensively in Africa by almost all cultures.

SKU: No.4 Cast Iron Pot - 9.8lt Category:
No.4 Cast Iron Pot – 9.8lt